Li Kangqin founded New River Literary in 2019. Previously she worked as acquisition editor and rights manager at Shanghai 99 Readers' Culture. She was a reader of, and advisor on, Sinophone books for UK publishers.
She holds a Ph.D. in American literature from University of Leicester and is currently completing an MA in Japanese Studies at SOAS, University of London.
Prior to working in publishing, Li was a lecturer in English and translation studies at Shanghai International Studies University, and translated Anaïs Nin, John Updike, and Richard Ford from English to Chinese.
Bruno Onuki Reynell previously worked as a literary scout at Maria B. Campbell A ssociates, where his responsibilities included leading the company’s scouting of A sian books. Prior to that, he worked for several years as a bookseller at Waterstones, and holds a BA in Modern Languages and an MA in Publishing, both from University College London.